Who We Are

AnnabelBlanche is your pre and post natal best friend. We aim to give advice, support and well informed information from the best pram for your lifestyle or situation (twins? living on the 5th floor?) to the best winding positions and the nappy brands that don't suffice.

Babies are expensive little bundles, we want to help you to buy the right product first time round.

We want to stop new parents from wondering where to get practical advice and show them.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Parent Type

Types of Parent.

It has come to my attention that there are several types of parent when it comes to baby pride.

There is the "look at me and my wonderful baby in the most expensive pushchair I could find, but don't ask me to look at you" parent...

the "oooh isn't that amazing- we both have babies and pushchairs, let's be friends" parent

and then there is the "hi, yes I would love to chat to you, look at your baby even, but no, I don't think we will be friends for life due to both of us having a baby in a pram attached to our fingers" parent.

This came to my attention a few months ago, when, pushing newborn twins around in a rather funky contraption of double newbornness, I was turning heads. I have to admit that the attention was lovely. It felt like I was pushing celebrity babies as people would point and gasp "oh twins!" as I strolled passed nonchalantly pretending that they were always fast asleep and that the stroll was for their benefit and not my own wits end.

Yet, unjustifiably I will admit, it always annoyed me when other pram pushers appeared to take no notice at all as we sailed past them in the park or met them at a crossroads- I always look in prams, admire newborns and dutifully supply answers to questions of all baby varieties. "Both boys?" "NO BOTH GIRLS that is why they are BOTH in PINK!" being a particularly repetitive one. Why then, did some people only care about their own little pram user? I suppose I am more obsessed by babies than most and this explains my incessant pram watch and baby radar but.... THEN one day, in the park, doing the usual 300th lap we crossed a set of newborn twins IN THE SAME (pretty rare) PRAM and there was not even a glance, not a flicker of interest in her twin tired eyes- contrasted to the usual "OH how do you manage?" I was absolutely gobsmacked.

So then, there are different types of parent. Those that aren't interested in your baby, because why would they be- they have their own? Those that are mesmerised by your baby simply because they have their own! And those who are happy to chat, happy to oggle even, but know that at the end of the day, you each prefer your own baby- Well, mother nature would have colossally failed if you didn't walk away thinking "my baby rocks!" wouldn't she?


  1. From the moment I became pregnant, I started peeking into car seats and strollers like a hawk... I want to see what other babies look like, what they're wearing, what toys they have, what kind of bottles they are holding, etc. I have gotten a lot of ideas for my own son by doing so. Plus, babies are cute! So, I'm definitely a looker... borderline creepy stalker! :)

  2. haha- so glad I am not the only one. OH has started to choose his seat in restaurants to accommodate where babies are so that I can't look!... boring!
